Day 182: sorting out

Last weekend I started a big clear out. I'm still at the same place I left it on Saturday night... and hopefully I'll get some time this weekend to carry on. There is too much stuff in our house... and there is too much stuff in my life to give me time to clear out some of the stuff from the house. But how do you know what to keep or throw out?
Its a tough call in every part of life... which events or committments do we cut out of our diaries, which friends to we cull from our facebook, which old friends who we're friends with on facebook do we ignore when we see them out in real life and which do we connect with, which old clothes to throw out and which to keep...agh... its so impossible to decide all these things! I did bump into a facebook friend today actually and thankfully my mouth decided to call her name before my brain had chance to tell it that it would be easier to just look down and not get into a conversation. I'm glad I did... old friends can be really interesting to talk to even if you doubt they'll ever really be a part of your life again. And tomorrow I'm going swimming with a new friend. Thankfully she's a good enough friend to be able to be honest with about the fact I am actually dreading having to go swimming with her as she is 6 foot and the thinnest most glamorous person you could ever meet in real life. I'm also thankful that, although I have tried to find a happy new swimming costume over the last 10 years, I never did throw out my trusty one and still have my Oasis costume I got in the sale when I was in Y11. I may look like the 'fat friend' tomorrow but at least I'll be comfy! Sometimes keeping the old things is good. :) maybe I'll go easy on myself in the clear out schedule tomorrow.


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